The Weekend The Weekend - Into The Morning

Thinking of you - yeah, I'll think of you all day - think of your
Kiss kiss kiss kissing my lips... I'll remember this always. got the
Goofiest grin - got a big smile on my face - hey you, let's get
Out out out of this place... grab my hand, let's go.


Say it's young love at it's best and i tell you I'll remember:
Breaking you out through your bedroom window, sneaking you into
My parents' house and staying out all night and into the morning
Into the morning
Breaking you out through your bedroom window,
Sneaking you into my parents' house and staying out all night
And into the morning until the sun comes up and ruins it all.

Monday morning's first class - ditch it! - we'll hang out out out
in the Parking lot...
Only the two of us we'll make out til the stars come out - lay
And watch them - that one looks just like the one in your
Eyes... c'mon grab my hand and let's go


... Drinking peach schnapps and hanging out in our underwear...
Going to parties and leaving because there's no one there...
Skipping our classes cause really we don't even care about
Anything at all... we'll get tatoos that we swear we'll never
Hate... break the rules and stay out way too late... ain't life
Grand, isn't it great having no care in the world?


It was young love at it's best and it's you that I'll remember